Your loved one is aging and requires assistance with daily living. Thankfully, he or she is eligible for government assistance for a caregiver. Still, you wonder, who could possibly be trusted with the physical care, emotional dignity, and financial responsibilities of your family member?
What if they won’t understand her agitation when someone wears a green sweater, which reminds her of great-aunt Tracy?
How will she get accustomed to being served her nighttime tea, deeply steeped yet lukewarm, by a stranger?
You wish it could be one of you, a loving member of the family. Still, each of you has a job to maintain, and a family to sustain, and becoming a full-time caregiver is not a viable option.
Nothing Like Family
By now, programs in many states allow for family members to receive compensation as the caregiver of qualifying loved ones facing old age. You may no longer have to choose between salary and family.[1]
According to the National Family Caregivers Association, over 50 million Americans provide care to family members in some way, comprising 80 percent of all home care services. The value of this care is estimated at more than $306 billion per year.
Family Member as the Hired Caregiver//The Upside