Caregiving Health and Wellness

Dealing with Dementia

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can be challenging for patients and caregivers alike. Learn the top strategies for dealing with dementia that can benefit both you and your loved one.

Ask Yes-or-No Questions

Instead of asking, “What would you like for lunch today?”, simplify the question into one that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no.” A question such as, “Would you like chicken and rice for lunch?” is much easier for someone with dementia to answer without becoming anxious.

Caregiving Health and Wellness

8 Tips for Caregivers to De-Stress When the Going Gets Rough

Care-giving , though immensely rewarding, can be extremely taxing both physically and emotionally. If your care-giving duties have you feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or painfully exhausted, it is essential that you take a timeout before there is nothing left give. A little ‘me’ time goes a long way, and when you take proper care of yourself, the positive impact is far reaching.

Caregiving Health and Wellness

Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living

Are you among the 15 million Americans who devote their time, energy, and money to caring for an elderly loved one? You love your parent or other family member with all your heart, but there may come a time when transitioning to assisted living is best for both of you. Here are the signs to watch for that may indicate it’s time for the transition.

Difficulty Completing Basic Tasks

You do dozens of small things every day that you take for granted, from cooking and eating to cleaning the house and paying bills. If your loved one needs help doing all of these things—whether due to physical or mental limitations—a full-time caregiver may be required. This means it’s time to consider assisted living.

Caregiving Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Paying for Senior Care: Medicaid Vs. Private Insurance

The cost of senior care strains many family budgets to the breaking point. You want to offer your loved one the best care possible, but cost is a major factor in determining the facilities that will work for your family. To help make senior care more affordable, there are several payment options to consider. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that a number of these options are available only for seniors and families who have taken the time to think ahead and plan according to their upcoming needs.

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SPS specializes in helping applicants with the Medicaid process.
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The Medicaid application process sometimes requires legal advice and the assistance of an attorney.
Senior Planning Services does not provide any legal advice or services.
You may wish to consult with an attorney concerning your Medicaid application.
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