Caregiving Case Studies Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Recognizing the Signs of Elder Abuse and What to Do About It

Why Educating families on recognizing and addressing potential abuse is crucial for senior safety

According to a WHO report from June 2024, a staggering 1 in 6 elderly individuals experienced some form of abuse in community settings over the past year. This alarming trend has unfortunately worsened since the Covid pandemic, particularly in nursing homes, where staff members admit to instances of abuse with shocking frequency.

Disrespect, neglect, and exploitation take a heavy toll on any victim, but the impact on aging adults is especially profound. At such a vulnerable stage of life, seniors rely heavily on caregivers for daily tasks and responsibilities. Abuse in any form is a devastating blow to their sense of self and dignity.

The Best Cure — Prevention

Amidst the myriad responsibilities and physical tasks that are part of caring for an aging loved one, it is crucial to take note of any physical, emotional, or practical signs of abuse.
Noticing potential risks of abuse or early abuse is vital to minimize the lasting effects on your elderly loved one.

Some recommendations to reduce the likelihood of abuse are:

Caregiving Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Supporting Seniors during the Holiday Season

Why Seniors feel lonely during the holidays and how we can help.

If you’re looking for the unbiased and untarnished truth, ask a young child.

Ask any child in a healthy home environment his favorite time of year, and chances are they’ll say November, December or January. These are the months filled with holiday fun, family gatherings, and the excitement of school breaks. The holiday season often brings feelings of love, connection and adventure. But for seniors, the experience can be vastly different.  

Seniors and Holidays: The Reality

While the holiday season symbolizes love, connection, and tradition, many aging loved one may experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, or isolation. Here are a few common reasons:

  • Empty Nest Syndrome: Children have grown up and often moved away, leaving seniors without the same lively holiday atmosphere
  • Loss of Familiarity: If living away from home, and especially while residing in a senior living facility, the familiar signs and smells of the holidays are not present.
  • Grief: If a loved one has recently passed on, remembering the holidays of the past can trigger a lot of sadness and other negative emotions.
  • Quiet Celebrations: In contrast to the years when they were the ones actively preparing for the holiday celebrations, this time may be unusually quiet with guests and frequent callers busier with their own holiday prep.

Whatever your loved one’s personal situation is, it is likely that they too are dealing with increased sadness and/or social isolation during the holiday season.

Caregiver and Holiday Challenges

Caregiving Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Traveling with Seniors

Tips for planning safe and enjoyable trips for older adults

Whether touring landmarks or visiting loved ones, trips and travel are always exciting. For seniors, travel will often mean the difference between social isolation and a much-needed emotional boost. So, although planning trips with – or for – an aging loved one requires thoughtful planning, it can do a world of good for their physical and emotional wellbeing.

To ensure your trips are safe and enjoyable, here is a compilation of recommended safety precautions, activity planning tips, and packing ideas.

Thoughtful planning

Planning the Perfect Trip with Seniors

A trip planned right is a trip done right. And even more so when seniors – with unique physical, emotional, and mental health concerns – are involved.
Here are some preparation tips to review before leaving:

Medical Checkups

Schedule a visit with the senior’s healthcare provider before travel to review relevant health emergency warning signs and procedures.
When travel plans include visiting another country, it is advisable to discuss necessary vaccinations, as well.

Local Emergencies

Familiarize yourself with common emergency situations in your destination area, as well as the applicable response routes and resources.
When traveling with physically impaired seniors, it is advisable to be aware of all entrance and exit locations at your lodgings.

Caregiver Roles

Caregiving Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Risk of Mental Health Illnesses in Seniors

How to recognize and address mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

It was during a regular weekly visit to her mother when Judy sensed the alarm bells in her mind turn on. First, it was unlike her mother to leave the thermos of fresh butternut squash soup untouched, but she would have written that off as the result of a late breakfast. When the conversation moved toward the upcoming wedding of Judy’s son, however, and her mother shrugged and then muttered: “I don’t think anybody really wants the old grandma to attend”, her shoulders grew tense.

This was a clear indication that something was going on.

But what was it?

Caregiving Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Protecting Seniors from Frauds: How to prevent Elderly Scams and Protect Your Loved Ones.

Why Seniors are commonly targeted for scams and how to prevent them.

Josh’s Story

Josh, a jolly and on-the-ball great-grandfather of two didn’t take the time to let anyone know where he was heading. The caller from the Social Security administration office had provided him with clear instructions as to where the balance he owed for taxes unaccounted for in 2021.

He was no fool, and quickly searched for the number the call had come from, confirming that it was indeed a government agency and not a jokester. Next, he headed for the local checks cashing to wire the money over before returning home to walk his dog. It was a significant sum, but everybody knew that no amount of money was worth messing with the IRS. It was only in a casual conversation with his son two weeks later that Josh realized he’d been duped.

Government imposters. Sweepstakes and lotteries. Robocalls and computer tech support are just some of the scams targeting seniors.

While many fraud scams of 2024 involve software downloads and remote entry to technological devices, the senior community is still hugely targeted by old fashioned phone scams.

Why Seniors?

Caregiving Health and Wellness Medicaid Connecticut Medicaid Made Simple Medicaid Massachusetts Medicaid New Jersey Medicaid New York Medicaid Pennsylvania Medicaid Rhode Island

Required Documentation for Medicaid Applications

Documents you will typically need to submit when applying for Medicaid

If you’re getting ready to begin the process of applying for Medicaid coverage for yourself or your aging loved one, collecting and submitting the required documents is a significant task.

Below is a general outline of what you can expect Medicaid to require when you apply. Of course, additional documentation may be requested based on the specific state you are applying in and your personal and financial circumstances.

Categories of Documentation

At least one document should be provided to support each of the following categories.
For a complete listing of required documentation, check out our printable documentation checklist here.

We're Here to Help
SPS specializes in helping applicants with the Medicaid process.
Find out more info about Medicaid in your state
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The Medicaid application process sometimes requires legal advice and the assistance of an attorney.
Senior Planning Services does not provide any legal advice or services.
You may wish to consult with an attorney concerning your Medicaid application.
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