Caregiving Health and Wellness

Driving as we age

Seniors and unsafe driving

As concerned and well-meaning children, we’re faced with the difficult and unenviable position of broaching a sensitive topic with our elderly parents or loved ones. One of the hardest to navigate conversations is to convey to an older adult that it might be time to retire their Driver’s License and start looking for other means of transportation. The last thing we want to do is procrastinate and push off the important conversation for a different time.

Many signs indicate it’s no longer safe for someone to operate a vehicle, and while the signs will vary significantly from person to person, here are some common ones to look out for:

Caregiving Health and Wellness

Dealing with Dementia

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can be challenging for patients and caregivers alike. Learn the top strategies for dealing with dementia that can benefit both you and your loved one.

Ask Yes-or-No Questions

Instead of asking, “What would you like for lunch today?”, simplify the question into one that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no.” A question such as, “Would you like chicken and rice for lunch?” is much easier for someone with dementia to answer without becoming anxious.

Caregiving Health and Wellness

8 Tips for Caregivers to De-Stress When the Going Gets Rough

Care-giving , though immensely rewarding, can be extremely taxing both physically and emotionally. If your care-giving duties have you feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or painfully exhausted, it is essential that you take a timeout before there is nothing left give. A little ‘me’ time goes a long way, and when you take proper care of yourself, the positive impact is far reaching.

Caregiving Health and Wellness

Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living

Are you among the 15 million Americans who devote their time, energy, and money to caring for an elderly loved one? You love your parent or other family member with all your heart, but there may come a time when transitioning to assisted living is best for both of you. Here are the signs to watch for that may indicate it’s time for the transition.

Difficulty Completing Basic Tasks

You do dozens of small things every day that you take for granted, from cooking and eating to cleaning the house and paying bills. If your loved one needs help doing all of these things—whether due to physical or mental limitations—a full-time caregiver may be required. This means it’s time to consider assisted living.

Health and Wellness

Continuity of Care for SeniorsPlan a Smooth Transition from Hospital to Nursing Home

Pre-planning for a patient or family member’s move from a hospital into a skilled nursing facility (nursing home) will make the transition easier for everyone involved.

Helping the patient with worrisome financial arrangements will ease the family’s mind and placate the patient.

You may need to learn or get assistance with Medicare guidelines. For example, a patient must be admitted to a hospital and treated as an inpatient for at least three days before being transferred to a nursing home. Otherwise their initial nursing facility care will not be covered under Medicare.

Medicaid qualifications may vary state to state, but there are general guidelines to know. Eligibility for Medicaid is based on the financial income and assets of the patient. But, people who are not qualified based on their finances may be eligible for Medicaid assistance if they have high medical expenses that “spend down” their income levels. Also, if the patient has a spouse, it’s important to understand spousal protection rules.

With finances secure, you can help a patient have a safe and healthy move by providing all necessary information to the nursing home. It’s unfortunate, but depending upon the facilities involved, you may need to assist with communications between the hospital and nursing home. The most critical information to verify is that the hospital provides accurate and complete medical history and treatment records. If the proper prescriptions are not included with the patient’s transfer, they may not have immediate access to important medications. The continuity of care also includes any ongoing medical treatments that are essential to the patient’s health and comfort, such as dialysis, physical therapy, and pain management.

There is information other than medical records that is vital for a smooth transition. Confirm that the nursing home is aware of cultural needs that will affect the patient’s well-being. Medical transfer records may not include essentials such as language(s) spoken, diet restrictions, and religious practices.

Finally, decorate the patient’s new room with items from home. Family pictures, knick-knacks, and a quilt or linens will make the new surroundings comfortable and familiar.

Many agree that there is a great deal of room for improvement in the patient transition process. It certainly can be overwhelming for family caregivers to handle. If you feel unsure about the process, ask a professional.

Find out more about how Senior Planning Services can help. We provide the assistance needed for a well-planned and stress-free transition for both the patient and their family.

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