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Medicaid Recertification

Why is Medicaid recertification important and how do you navigate the process?

After a lengthy application and approval process, your aging loved one has finally been approved for Medicaid. A huge financial burden is lifted, and you are now free to focus on other vital aspects of their elderly, such as hiring a caregiver, Implementing safety precautions, and deciding what level of care is best for their specific needs.

You can stop submitting endless amounts of paperwork to your application. You should heave a sigh of relief. But, you should not discard any communication you receive from Medicaid.
Eligibility for Medicaid is recertified periodically. And although it is usually a simple process, Medicaid recertification is important to take care of in a timely manner to ensure there is no gap in coverage.

Reasons for Renewal//What should you know?

Medicaid Made Simple

10 Common reasons you may be denied Medicaid

Frustrated Medicaid, a federal and state program that provides health coverage benefits to many people, including senior citizens, covers basic health care costs and long-term care – care provided in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Many seniors rely on their Medicaid benefits for their long-term care. The prospect of having a Medicaid application denied can induce anxiety as loss of these benefits can be financially devastating.

Below are ten reasons your loved one’s application may be denied and steps to take to best ensure it doesn’t happen. 

1. Incomplete Application or Documents.

If you’ve ever applied for anything through a government agency, you’ve heard the refrain – Make sure to bring all your paperwork!  That’s certainly true for the Medicaid application which requires the submission of extensive documentation.

 Aside from providing proof of age, identity, marital status and citizenship, there are numerous financial documents necessary, including: bank statements, investment account statements, life insurance policy information, asset and other property information, tax returns and retirement income information. These documents are required to determine financial eligibility and are an essential part of the application.  Don’t leave home without them!

For a full checklist of required documentation, please refer to the Senior Planning website

Medicaid Made Simple

Medicaid Made Simple – Senior Planning Paying For Care

The Medicaid eligibility application process can be very stressful for applicants and their families. Allow Senior Planning to take on the comprehensive Medicaid eligibility process for you or your loved one. Thousands of Medicaid applicants and their families have relied on the expertise of Senior Planning Services. We’re here to help.
Senior Planning plays a crucial role in the Medicaid eligibility application process. Watch this video to see how our case managers support seniors and their families during difficult times.

Medicaid Made Simple

Medicaid Made Simple – Senior Planning Cares

The Medicaid eligibility application process can be very stressful for applicants and their families. Allow Senior Planning to take on the comprehensive Medicaid eligibility process for you or your loved one. Thousands of Medicaid applicants and their families have relied on the expertise of Senior Planning Services. We’re here to help.
Senior Planning makes the Medicaid eligibility application process simple. This video shows the pride our employees take in our company and how they make a difference in seniors’ lives.

Transcript: We put together such a great company, such great employees, employees that really care, who are passionate about what they do. And it’s just a great thing to see so many skilled people that are so great at what they do together to make such a difference to the lives of thousands and thousands of seniors.

Learn more at: or call us at 1-855-775-2664.

Medicaid Made Simple

Medicaid Made Simple – Senior Planning Family Support

The Medicaid eligibility application process can be very stressful for applicants and their families. Allow Senior Planning to take on the comprehensive Medicaid eligibility process for you or your loved one. Thousands of Medicaid applicants and their families have relied on the expertise of Senior Planning Services. We’re here to help.
Senior Planning Services’ case managers are so much more than just Medicaid experts. Our case managers go the extra mile for their clients. Watch this video for more insight into how we handle the Medicaid eligibility process.

Transcript: When you have family members that are going through a tough time, they need that extra love. That’s really what we strive for and make sure that we are there for our families. So our goal really is to lift the entire burden off our clients’ shoulder.

Learn more at: or call us at 1-855-775-2664.

Medicaid Made Simple

Medicaid Made Simple – Senior Planning Case Manager Care

The Medicaid eligibility application process can be very stressful for applicants and their families. Allow Senior Planning to take on the comprehensive Medicaid eligibility process for you or your loved one. Thousands of Medicaid applicants and their families have relied on the expertise of Senior Planning Services. We’re here to help.
Allow Senior Planning’s skilled case managers to handle your entire Medicaid eligibility application process from start to finish. This video demonstrates our case managers’ role in the Medicaid process.

Transcript: We don’t just offer a financial service. You’re assigned a case manager who is going to hold your hand through the entire process and be your point of contact. It makes it a really simple and enjoyable process for the seniors, the families and the organizations that are providing the care.

Learn more at: or call us at 1-855-775-2664.

We're Here to Help
SPS specializes in helping applicants with the Medicaid process.
Find out more info about Medicaid in your state
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The Medicaid application process sometimes requires legal advice and the assistance of an attorney.
Senior Planning Services does not provide any legal advice or services.
You may wish to consult with an attorney concerning your Medicaid application.
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