Tips for planning safe and enjoyable trips for older adults
Whether touring landmarks or visiting loved ones, trips and travel are always exciting. For seniors, travel will often mean the difference between social isolation and a much-needed emotional boost. So, although planning trips with – or for – an aging loved one requires thoughtful planning, it can do a world of good for their physical and emotional wellbeing.
To ensure your trips are safe and enjoyable, here is a compilation of recommended safety precautions, activity planning tips, and packing ideas.
Thoughtful planning
Planning the Perfect Trip with Seniors
A trip planned right is a trip done right. And even more so when seniors – with unique physical, emotional, and mental health concerns – are involved.
Here are some preparation tips to review before leaving:
Medical Checkups
Schedule a visit with the senior’s healthcare provider before travel to review relevant health emergency warning signs and procedures.
When travel plans include visiting another country, it is advisable to discuss necessary vaccinations, as well.
Local Emergencies
Familiarize yourself with common emergency situations in your destination area, as well as the applicable response routes and resources.
When traveling with physically impaired seniors, it is advisable to be aware of all entrance and exit locations at your lodgings.
Caregiver Roles
Include family, friends, and any aides who will be joining the trip in the planning stages to ensure everyone is familiar with the itinerary as well as their personal responsibilities.
Research Mobility
Plan your schedule with an eye for accessibility and physical requirements. Check that there are available facilities and rest areas in both indoor and outdoor venues.
Aside from hopefully ensuring a smoother travel process, planning a trip early will allow you to get access to discounts on airfare and lodging, as well as more convenient and accessible lodgings.
Essential Packing Tips for Senior-Friendly Travel
Here are some essential things to include in your packing list.
ID, insurance cards, and medical information – such as a list of allergies and medications – should be kept handy in case medical intervention is necessary at any point.
Medication and Personal Hygiene
Of course, all medications and other necessary items such as eyeglasses and hearing aids should be packed carefully.
Also very important are comfort items such as sunglasses, comfortable footwear, and any other personal hygiene items the senior loved one is used to using daily.
Special Equipment
Based on your loved one’s specific needs, carefully review and prepare all medical and physical equipment that may become necessary during the trip.
Safety Tips for Traveling with Seniors
Do Not Delay. Especially when heading for the airport with a senior, it’s important to leave available time pockets for unexpected delays and simply to remain in a calm frame of mind.
Do Expect the Unexpected. Travels often include unexpected disappointment, schedule mix-ups, or dealing with impolite individuals along the way. Expect hurdles so you don’t let them drag down the overall atmosphere.
Traveling with Dementia
If you’re planning a trip with an aging loved one who suffers from Dementia, the planning stages should also include these additional steps to ensure that the individual is not negatively affected by the change in routine and/or surroundings.
- ● As much as possible, choose destinations that involve the least possible changes in routine.
- ● Stick to simpler, less crowded destinations and activities.
- ● Ensure the senior always carries an emergency contact list in the case you are separated at any point. Carry an emergency contact list.
- ● Avoid traveling during evenings or any other time of the day that is prone to agitation and/or tiredness.
- ● Research local emergency services and pharmacy locations.
Creating Everlasting Memories
Of course, these tips are an overall compilation, and each senior has unique personal needs and supplies. Wherever the season’s travels may take you, may you and your loved ones enjoy your trip in good health – and most importantly – create memories of moments together that will last a lifetime.